Doctorate degrees
Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Promovierende alle Informationen zu Registrierung auf der Promotionsliste, optionale Immatrikulation, Einreichung der Dissertation, Qualifizierungsprogramm, Internationalisierungsförderung und vieles mehr rund um die Promotion…
Abgeschlossene promotionen
Leitlinien gute wissenschaftliche Praxis
Directions for the practical implementation of doctorate-regulations
excerpt from the Promotion-Regulations:
“The exoneration from the participation can be declared by the board upon well-founded application. Reasons for exoneration are, for example, temporary stays outside of Germany or irrefutable family obligations“.
For the board to decide on a (probably in all cases only temporary) exoneration it has to receive a corresponding application by the candidate. A working place outside of Ruhr-Universität is not an adequate reason since the colloquium takes place only a few times per year. Considerate planning will allow to combine attending the colloquium with the undoubtedly necessary, regular exchange between candidate and advisor. Participation simply belongs to the commitments PhD-candidates enter when accepted –upon their application- to the faculty’s list of PhD-students. Advisors are asked to explicitly and unmistakably point out this regulation. Notably, the colloquium is not a class for which a mandatory presence may be legally challenged but it constitutes an element of good scientific practice.
From reports and personal experience it has to be noted that presenter and auditorium do not really meet the notion of the regulations. The expectations for a presentation are such that every listener can in principle understand the objective and motivation of the thesis and gains an idea of the chosen tools for reaching the goals. This expectation results not least from the hope that an intellectual exchange between presenter and listener follows the presentation. Registration in the list of PhD-candidates offers the privilege becoming part of the faculty’s ”young intelligence“. Curiosity regarding questions with which other members of this circle are concerned should be an expression of the scientific curiosity indispensable for a PhD-project. The presentation of one’s ideas to intelligent non-experts and evaluating proposals of scientists from not necessarily close fields become sooner than later chords of a scientist, e.g., when trying to raise funding. To practice these chords among peers should be seen as a welcome chance (rather than a cumbersome chord).
excerpt from the Promotion-Regulations:
“The exoneration from the participation in scientific colloquia of the institutes can be temporarily or permanently declared by the board. Besides stays outside of Germany, family obligations etc. also compulsory services associated with the employment relationship at RUB can be stated as justification. The primary advisor will decide on the exoneration“.
Participation in the scientific colloquia of the institutes is without exception mandatory for PHD-candidates. Here as above it should be considered a privilege to be able to regularly listen to national and international experts. It is to learn diverse strategies for problem solving and to gain breadth in background. The latter not only raises the attractivity of a candidate for the transition to a professional career outside of academia but constitutes a basic requirement for an academic career. “External“ PhD-candidates can be exonerated from participation in case a large geographic distance turns the travel time-consuming AND given a participation in a comparable scientific program at the site of work. The comparability has to be evaluated by the advisor who indicates the exoneration to the board explicitly naming the alternative events visited by the candidate.
excerpt from the Promotion-Regulations:
„The disputation covers the dissertation as well as questions that are related to the dissertation subject with respect to objective or employed methods “
Even though the formulation in the regulations remains rather unspecific it indicates the code of praxis that has been followed in the past and should be followed in the future according to the board. The presentation shall not have the character of a thesis defense. Advisor and candidate should rather ensure that the topic allows for a treatment of an overarching geoscientific question into which the results of the thesis integrate as an example. The first minutes of the presentation have to introduce an interested non-expert to the general context and the diversity of approaches and methods available to answer the raised questions. The use of acronyms in the title is explicitly discouraged. The advisors should actively consult during topic selection since they have to present and ”defend“ on a board meeting.
The old regulation states the following regarding indication of publications of parts of a thesis before graduation:
”Publication of the dissertation or parts of it before submission requires the written consent of the advisor; the board has to be notified about the consent (§ 11, Abs. 3).“
The new regulations do not explicitly call for such a procedure, but the board found it had to be followed in the following way. The candidate prepares a list documenting which parts of the submitted thesis were published or have been submitted for publication and to what extent a peer-review has taken place. This list has to be complemented by a statement regarding the candidate’s contribution to the publications (in as much as the publications are of the multi-author type) in general covering explicitly the following aspects
- the role in data acquisition
- the genuine intellectual input
- the contribution to writing.
This complemented list has to be part of the submitted thesis –as is the declaration regarding authorship and the candidate’s signed CV.
Die Fakultät für Geowissenschaften verleiht jährlich zwei Fakultätspreise, die im Rahmen der Akademischen Fakultätsfeier überreicht werden.
Der Praxispreis Geowissenschaften wird jährlich von der Fakultät als Anerkennung für eine Bachelor-, Master- oder Doktorarbeit besonderer Qualität und geowissenschaftlicher Praxisnähe, die in Zusammenarbeit mit einem außeruniversitären Partner entstanden ist, auf der akademischen Jahresfeier vergeben.
Preisträger 2018
Kirsten Kleefuß;Thema der Masterarbeit: Die Kalksteine der Süntel Formation (Ober-Jura) im Steinbruch Salzhemmendorf/Niedersachen – Geologie und Nutzungspotential
Johannes Leuch; Thema der Masterarbeit: Vergleich eines suspensionsgestützten und eines verrohrten Bohrverfahrens im Rahmen einer Pfalgründung im Lockergestein
Preisträger 2019
Jérome Steinkühler; Thema der Masterarbeit: 3D point clouds: comparison between terrestrial LiDAR and terrestrial & aerial photogrammetry
Preisträger 2020
Christian David Grineisen; Thema der Masterarbeit: Erarbeitung einer Vorgehensweise zur Beurteilung des Hochbrechens im tagesnahen Bergbau in Ramsbeck bei söhliger bis geneigter Lagerung
Preisträgerin 2021
Annekathrin Hepp; Thema der Bachelorarbeit: Erstellen eines Bodenschutzkonzeptes nach DIN 19639 im Rahmen der Planung einer Ferngasleitung
Für herausragende Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der computergestützten Datenakquisition, Datenbearbeitung und Dateninterpretation sowie numerischer Problemlösungen in den Geowissenschaften vergibt die Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der Ruhr-Universität Bochum jährlich einen Preis von 2.500,- €.
Der Preis wird für Diplomarbeiten, Doktorarbeiten und Habilitationsschriften, in besonderen Fällen auch für Publikationen vergeben. Der/die Preisträger/in soll sich durch Innovationsreichtum und Kreativität auszeichnen.
Preisträger 2017
Dr. Nils Güting;Thema der Dissertation: High resolution imaging and modeling of aquifer structure
Preisträger 2018
Dr. Tim Gerrit Küsters; Thema der Dissertation: Experimental study on fluid-rock interaction and dissolution/precipitation processes at low temperatures with implications for industrial geothermal exploration
Preisträgerin 2019
Dr. Mariann Kathrin Jilge; Thema der Dissertation: Mapping urban surface materials with imaging spetroscopy data on different spatial scales
Preisträger 2020
Dr. Tobias Neuffer; Thema der Dissertation: Microseismicnoise induced by wind turbines
Preisträger 2021
Dr. Linus Holtermann; Thema der Dissertation: External Shocks and Regional Growth Dynamics - Empirical Evidence on the Notion of Regional Economic Resilience
Für besondere Leistungen in der angewandten geowissenschaftlichen Ausbildung und/oder Forschung vergibt die Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der Ruhr-Universität Bochum jährlich einen Preis von bis zu 3.000,- €. Der Preis wird soweit möglich als Anerkennung für eine Bachelor-, Master- oder Doktorarbeit besonderer Qualität und praktischer Anwendbarkeit vergeben, die in direkter Zusammenarbeit mit außeruniversitären Partnern entstanden ist und deren Ergebnisse von diesen genutzt werden.
Außerdem wird jährlich abwechselnd der gdf-Preis Dr.-Heinrich-Kost für Dissertationen aus den Bereichen Maschinenbau, Physik, Chemie, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik oder Bauingenieurwesen, Mathematik, Geowissenschaften, Biologie, Medizin vergeben (Informationen unter: